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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Technical Instruction for 2d Version

Technical Instructions, 2D version

Creating the Brand mark and logotype in Illustrator

1. Open Adobe Illustrator

2. Choose File > New (New Document)

3. A New Document window will appear on the screen

Do the following:

a. Name your document

b. Enter an artboard size of 640pts (width) by 480pts (height).

(Note: 640x480 is a standard broadcast proportion.)

c. Select Basic RGB from new document profile

5. In Illustrator—using your pen, square, circle, etc. tools, as well as your

text tool—create your brandmark with the accompanying typography (logotype) based on your sketches.

You may base your brandmark on your sketches or photos from the research, either by drawing freely while looking at the sketches and images or by importing the images or sketches and then drawing over them in a new layer

The brandmark should have at least two components, which can be spun independently. This is accomplished by keeping each component in a separate layer.

A few Illustrator tips:

To trace over an image:

-Place image

-Trace over with normal Pen tool (stroke = black, fill = none)

-Best to trace with as few points as possible

-Delete unnecessary point by using Pen- (minus) tool

-Magnify then, use Convert Anchor tool (inverted V) or the smooth tool located within the pencil tool to smooth the rough corners. etc. by pulling the Bezier handles (try pulling it in both directions; effect does not show till after released)

-You can connect non-connected pieces by using the regular pen tool and rolling over the points; when it becomes a "/", the Pen tool will pick up where it stopped and you can connect two lines.

After you create your brandmark try experimenting with Round Corners and Simplify, options found in the Illustrator drop-down menus, to achieve a more refined look.

- Round Corners: “Effect>Stylize>Round Corners

- Simplify: “Object>Path>Simplify

Tips for pasting elements of the Brandmark:

Instead of “Edit>Cut and Paste” try doing this-

Select one or more elements of the brandmark you wish to move to its/their own layer, then click the empty layer (created in step 7) where you wish to move the element/elements.

From the drop-down menu, “Object>Arrange>Current Layer” will move your elements in fewer steps.

6. Once you have completed your illustration, go to Window > Layers.

7. Using the Create New Layer button at the bottom of the Layers window, add

several new layers by clicking on the button.

8. Now using the Select tool, select the typography portion of your

illustration. Then go to Edit > Cut. Click on a blank layer in the Layers

window (Layer 2, for example) and go to Edit > Paste in Front to paste your

selection into this separate layer.

9. Using the same commands as in #8, Edit > Cut and Paste each object of

your illustration into a separate layer. This will allow you to animate

these layers separately when you import the file into the animation

software (AfterEffects).

10. Click on each layer to name them accordingly. For example, “Typography”,

“Oval 1”, “Oval 2.”

11. Go to File > Save to save your document. Name appropriately and place in

a folder with all your other future documents for this assignment. The

format should be an 'Adobe Illustrator document' and saved in the latest

version available.

12. Review your file with me.

Technical Instructions, Part 2

Importing and Setting Up Your Composition in AfterEffects

13. Open Adobe AfterEffects.

14. Go to File > Import Multiple Files.

15. An Import Multiple Files window will open on your desktop. Do the


a. Find and Select your Illustrator file.

b. Change Import As: Footage to Import As: Composition

c. Hit the Import button

Because you have selected the Multiple Files command, the window will

reopen after importing this first file. Now Find, Select and Import your video

and sound files for this assignment. These files may be imported simply as

footage. Note: all sound, video, Illustrator and animation files for this

assignment should always be kept in one folder to avoid confusion.

16. Go to File > Save and save your AfterEffects project under the

appropriate name in the designated folder for this assignment.

17. Go to Composition > New Composition.

18. A Composition Settings window will appear on your desktop. Do the


a. Select as your Preset (Composition Size): NTSC, 640 x 480.

b. Select as your Duration: 0:00:10:00 (this is the equivalent of 10

seconds in SMPT time code)

c. Leave all other settings in their default position.

19. You will now have the following windows open on your desktop

a. The Project window containing all of your imported files, acting as a

sort of library of all your raw materials you will use for making your


b. The Composition window, where you will be able to view your


c. The Timeline window, which accompanies the Composition window, and is

where you will set keyframes to make changes over time that will create your


20. Drag and drop from the Project window into the Timeline window all

layers of your illustrator files as well as your video and sound footage.

21. In the Timeline window, click the jagged line to the right of each layer

so that it becomes a smooth line, thereby turning your quality setting for

each layer from low to high. Also click on the little stars to the right of

each Illustrator layer in order to rasterize your vector illustrations. (Note: if your file becomes too slow to work with you can set the quality to low until you are ready to render out a QuickTime movie, however, note that the elements in your composition window will appear bitmapped and jagged.)

22. Go to Window > Time Controls and hit the Play button in order to see

your video and sound footage playing along with your unanimated Brandmark

illustration. (Note: Use the second play button on the far right-hand side

of the time controls if you want to build a RAM preview from the beginning

of the timeline. Also make sure the audio button in the time control window

is pushed down in order to hear the sound track.)

23. A green line will build along the timeline as the software attempts to

render the footage and present a RAM preview of your movie thus far. If the

green line does not build to the full 10 seconds of your timeline, then you

do not have enough RAM. In this case, change your resolution setting in the

Composition window from Full to Quarter, and try again.

Animating the Brandmark

Logo Scales Down Into Place And Logotype Fades On

24. In the timeline window select the layer(s) that represent your logotype.

In the case of this example that layer is “Typography.”. If you need to

select more than one layer at a time, use shift+select.

25. Click the small arrow to the left of each layer. If it doesn't

automatically open, then also click the arrow to the left of the word

“Transform.” You should now see a sublist of properties under each layer,

namely: Anchor Point, Position, Scale, Rotation and Opacity. To the right of

each property is a value, e.g. 100% for Opacity, etc..

26. At this point, you have the option of changing a value so that it stays

changed throughout the duration of the movie. For example, if I change the

opacity to 50%, it will remain semi-transparent throughout the full 10


27. Or, you might want the value to change over time, for example to make

the logo fade up over the course of 2 seconds. In this case, you need to set

keyframes in order to place two different opacity values at two different

points along the timeline–the first at 0% and the second at 100%.

28. Place your time marker at the 7 second point on the timeline. You can do

this by dragging the blue slider along the timeline to the 7 second point,

or you can click on the blue underlined numerals in the upper left-hand

corner of your timeline and type: 0;00;07;00.

29. Now, click on the stopwatch to the left of the word Opacity listed

underneath your logotype layer. You will notice that a small black diamond

has been placed at the 7 second marker. This is a keyframe that holds the

value of 100%.

30. Move the time marker to the 5 second point on the timeline (0;00;05;00).

31. Select the blue underlined number value to the right of the word

Opacity. The value becomes highlighted.

32. Type in 0 and hit return and a 2nd black diamond appears holding the

value of 0.

33. Now hit the play button again and watch the logotype fade up slowly

between the 5 second and 7 second marker.

34. Copy these two black diamonds by selecting both of them (shift/copy), and going to Edit > Copy.

35. Now place your time marker at the beginning of the timeline (0;00;00;00).

36. In the timeline window select the layers that represent your brandmark.

In the case of this example they are called, 'Oval 1' and 'Oval 2'.

37. Go to Edit > Paste.

38. Click the arrows to the left of these layers and you will see that you

have pasted the opacity keyframes that you had set for your logotype into

your brandmark layers, starting at the 0 point on the timeline.

39. Now, with your time marker at the 2 second point, click on the stopwatch

to the left of the word, Scale for your brandmark layers (in the case of my sample file, Oval 1” and “Oval 2”). This will insert a keyframe for scale at that point along the timeline.

40. Move the time marker to the beginning of the timeline (0;00;00;00) again.

41. With all appropriate layers highlighted, select the blue underlined

numerical value to the right of Scale.

42. Type in the value 300 and hit return.

43. If you decide you want to alter the hue/saturation, levels, or

blur/sharpen your video footage then you need to work with effects. Many of

the plug-in effects for Photoshop are the same for AfterEffects. To apply an

effect simply select your video footage and go to the Effect to select a

specific effect. In the case of this example, the video footage was inverted

–go to Effect > Invert. A window will appear for each effect allowing you

to control the amount and the way in which the effect is applied. If you

want you can also set keyframes to have the effect change over time.

44. Hit the play button on the Time Controls (Window > Time Controls) to

view the animation thus far. (Remember to put the resolution on the Quarter

setting if necessary, see #23 for explanation.) Your brandmark should both

fade on and scale down into place during the first 2 seconds of the

animation; your logotype should fade on later in the animation between the 5

and 7 second markers.

Rendering out the QuickTime Movie

45. With your composition open, go to Composition > Make Movie.

Save in your folder for this project by clicking Output To under the Log In


46. A Render Queue window will open on your desktop.

47. Go to Render Settings, select the arrow to the right of the word

Render Settings and select Best Settings.

Now click on the underlined word Best Settings. Make sure the duration is set up quickly.

Set the resolution to half.

When you are finished with this window return to the main Render Queue.

48. Leave the output module on Lossless. If you want to render your movie with sound, click on the underlined word Lossless and click on Audio Output and close that window.

49. Now hit the Render button. A Render will build; the duration will

depend on the complexity and length of the piece. Once it is complete you will find your rendered QuickTime movie in your folder. Open and play.

Note: The QuickTime movie is an encapsulated movie of your final animation.

You must still save your AfterEffects project and all associated files to

make any changes in the future.

Technical Instructions, Part 3

More Complex Animation

Logo Rotates, Scales and Fades Into Place, Logotype (Name) Appears

at the End

50. Close the previous composition that you have been working on.

51. Repeat above steps #17 -21 to set up a new composition with all the

appropriate layers.

52. With your time marker at the 0 second point, select the layers that

represent your brandmark in the timeline window. In the case of this example

they are called, Oval 1 and Oval 2.

53. Click the arrow on the left to open up all the properties for these layers.

54. Now hit the stopwatch to the left of the word 'Rotation' for both layers.

55. Move the time marker to the 6-second point, and change the Rotation

value from 0 to 10 by clicking on the blue underlined numerical value to the

right of the word Rotation. You can do this with both layers selected.

56. With the time marker still at the 6-second marker, hit the stopwatch

again to the left of the word Opacity for the same layers, setting a

keyframe for the value of 100%.

57. Move the time marker back to the beginning of the timeline (0;00;00;00)

and type in 0 for the Opacity property value.

58. Select both layers (Oval 1 and Oval 2 ) and go to Edit > Duplicate.

59. Click the arrow to the left to open up the properties for these two new

layers. You will see that it has duplicated the layer with all its keyframes.

60. Move the time marker back to the beginning of the timeline (0;00;00;00)

and change the keyframe value for Rotation at this point from 0x+000

to 0x+180. You can do this by clicking on the second set of blue underlined

numbers to the right of the word, Rotation. Change the set of 3 zeros

to 180. Hit return.

61. Select these two layers and go to Edit > Duplicate. Once again, creating

two additional layers with the same keyframes.

62. Move the time marker back to the beginning of the timeline (0;00;00;00).

63. Select these two new layers that you have just created.

64. Once again, change the keyframe value for Rotation. This time the new

value will be 0x+270.

65. Hit the play button on the Time Controls (Window > Time Controls) to

view the animation thus far.

66. Now select the original brandmark layers and all their duplicated copies

(in this case totaling 6 layers: 3 of Oval 1 and 3 of Oval 2)

67.. Go to Layer > Precompose

68. A Pre-compose window will appear on your desktop. Rename your

composition “Brandmark Animation” and select OK.

69. You will notice that all the layers have been grouped into one

composition. This is helpful if you want to apply a value to all of the

layers at once.

70. Move the time marker to the 6-second point along the timeline and click

on the stopwatch to the left of the word Scale, thereby placing a keyframe

at this point with the value of 100.

71. Move the time marker back to the beginning of the timeline (0;00;00;00)

and change the keyframe value for Scale to 300%.

72. Now select the logotype layer, in this file it is titled Typography,

and make the logotype dissolve on between the 5 second marker (0;00;05;00)

and the 6 second marker (0;00;06;00) by placing two keyframes, the first

with a value of 0% and the second with a value of 100%. (See #27 - 33 if you

need explicit directions regarding placing Opacity keyframes).

73. With your time marker still at the 6-second point, hit the stopwatch to

the left of the word Position in order to place a keyframe. The keyframe

will automatically take the value of the current position of this layer

which should be centered (320, 240).

74. Return to the 5-second point along the Timeline. Now place another

keyframe for Position with a value of 320, 260. You can do this

multiple ways:

1. Select the blue underlined numbers to the right of the

word Position and change the value of 240 to read 260

2. With the layer selected simply use your arrow keys on the keyboard to move the layer down, continue hitting the down arrow until the value reads 260

3. While holding the Shift key down (for a straight line) Select and Drag the layer in the Comp window and physically place it toward the bottom of the screen. (This last option is less exact, but works if you are working visually rather than numerically.)

75. Hit the play button on the Time Controls (Window > Time Controls) to

view the animation. A petal like animation of Ovals resolves into the shape

of a heart logo as it scales into place. The logotype changes position and

dissolves on as the Ovals complete their animation.

Rendering the QuickTime Movie

76. With your composition open, go to Composition > Make Movie. Save under

the appropriate name and place in the appropriate folder, hit Save.

77. A Render Queue window will open on your desktop.

78. Go to Render Settings, select the arrow to the right of the word

'Render Settings' and select Best Settings. Now click on the underlined

word Best Settings. If you want a full size movie 640x480 then render at Best and Full. If you want a half size movie then change the resolution to half and you will render out a movie at 320x240. When you are finished with this window return to the main Render Queue.

79. Leave the output module on Lossless. If you want to render your movie

with sound click on the underlined word 'Lossless' and click on Audio

Output and close that window.

80. Repeat the above process for any additional compositions that you want

to set up in the Render Queue.

81. Now hit the Render button. A Render will build; the duration will

depend on the complexity and length of the piece. Once it is complete you

will find your rendered QuickTime movie in your folder. Open and play.

Note: The QuickTime movie is an encapsulated movie of your final animation.

You must still save your AfterEffects project and all associated files to

make any changes in the future.

3D Animation Instructions

Before you begin, be sure your project is correctly set up. You should have your composition (still) set to 640 x 480 and have a duration of 10 seconds. Next be sure all of the files are correctly imported or carried over from your 2D animation. If you applied any special effects to your background video, you must likely carry it over from the previous animation. Finally, be sure the layers of your logotype have been grouped according to the animation you envision for your 3d animation; this may require you do to some minor tweaking in illustrator and reimporting to After Effects.

In the “Kavi” example, the student has kept his background video and music file as the only components carried over from his 2D file. His entire brand mark has brand new animations. The layers that comprise it are, of course, the logotype, the central diamond, and all four outer arrows in a single layer (you may recall that previously, each arrow had its own layer).

Next, you must designate which layers are to exist in 3 Dimensional space. To do so, select that layer and, under the layer menu, check 3D layer. You will notice now that your layer has new transform options of Orientation, X Rotation, Y Rotation and Z Rotation. X Rotation will move your layer top to bottom or bottom to top, around a horizontal axis. Y Rotation will move your layer left to right or right to left around a vertical axis. Z Rotation will move your layer clockwise or counterclockwise around the Z axis, or the axis come straight out of and extending behind the screen.

In the Kavi example, the logo appears from a single point in the background with the arrows rotating around the central diamond on a tilted axis.

To achieve this, the student has set the scale of both the diamond and arrows to 0% to begin with and enabled animation (clicked the stopwatch). Then moving the slider a full 6 seconds later and set the scale to 206%. Then a little over a second later, set the scale to 100%. All of these changes give the illusion of the logo appearing out of nowhere (0%) coming towards the viewer to an extreme proportion (206%) then settling and receding to its final position (100%).

In the example, the arrows, logotype and central diamond are 3D Layers. Even though the diamond stays perpendicular to the Z-Axis (does not extend forward or back) it must be able to interact with the other layers regarding lighting and overlap.

In the example, there is also a Light Layer into his composition by choosing,

Layer >New>Light. You may experiment with light styles and settings, but a simple spotlight can be very effective. By placing the spotlight in the “1’oclock” position and slightly in front of the layers (by manipulating the layers x, y and z settings), the light can now illuminate and shadow the logo, which gives a definite sense of depth. Be sure to place your light layer(s) in front of other layers.

To make the arrows rotate around the central diamond is much easier than it appears. The first thing to do is to animate the Z-Rotation option to rotate 1.5 times after 6 seconds. Then by setting both the X and Y Rotation settings to be almost perpendicular to the visual plane and animating them to a setting of Zero after 6 seconds, the illusion of the arrows flipping around the central diamond in 3 dimensional space is created. A helpful reminder—your layers are 2-dimensional, therefore if you turn them completely perpendicular in 3-dimensional space, they will disappear (which may or may not benefit an animation.

The final component of the example animation is the introduction of the logotype. To create this effect, the student has set the layer to appear at the apex in scale of the arrows and diamond layers. This is done by manipulating the logotype’s Opacity setting, so it fades in over time. Then, by setting the scale to an oversized proportion and settling into normalcy (like the rest of the brandmark) creates the illusion that it is travelling through space. Yet this is an imperfect illusion, so in the example, the student has applied a Gaussian Blur effect (selected from the Effects & Presets> Blur &Sharpen Panel). By animating the blur to diminish to Zero as the logotype settles to its final proportion, a more believable depth of field is created.

This is essentially the final composition for the animation. The last touch is to fade the beginning in from black. A simple way to do this is to import a Black Solid and place it in front of everything. Then by setting the opacity from 100% to 0% over the span of a second or so, you achieve a subtle, yet effective fade effect.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Portfolio Requirement added

Go to and set up portfolio page(s) with work from the class and your other art and design course (6-12 items) by 3 weeks before the end of the semester and link from your blog.

This will count as1/3 of your blog grade.

"Branding Research" element added to assignment

Branding Research

Create a 100 word (in total) series of bullet points, listing the results of research you do into the current state of branding. Use the web as your source and do not use any source more than 2 years old. Credit sources and use links and Images.

*This section of the assignment should be completed right after you choose your product, and right before you begin finding images to help develop your logo.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Building Your Network

Read Wide : wether it is reading the New York Times and/or Wall Street Journal, reading creditable blogs on an assortment of topics, or researching the background on someone's latest twitter feed; reading up on a large amount of subjects and current events can help you relate to a larger amount of people/clients.

Write Narrow: Stick to writing about your own experiences and or topics of expertise. This does not mean that you shouldn't incorporate some of the knowledge you learned while reading wide if its applicable, just don't discuss an issue in depth or state an opinion on a topic in which you have a minimal or one sided knowledge on. You run the risk of sounding ignorant and or misinformed by possible clients and those who can help you network.

Attend Conferences: Wether it is related to Design or not, attending conferences or workshops of differing fields can help you to spread your reach across many different professions and trades. You never know what opportunities will come your way, so try not to be to narrow minded when meeting new professionals. Be sure to ARRIVE EARLY and STAY LATE. These are the best times to network. Don't be afraid to spark conversation, because almost everyone there is looking to do the same thing as you.... NETWORK!

Meeting New People is key in a field where exposure is directly linked to obtaining clients.


- Always have business cards on hand

-Have a short elevator pitch about what you do and who you are (around 30 sec)

-Have a long elevator pitch (around 10 min)

-Have a digital version of your work or portfolio on a smart phone that you can quickly show

-Altruism: don't be selfish or self-seeking, but be willing to help others in their search for clients. They will be sure to return the favor.

The Fractal Professional

Fractal: self-similar, meaning that it can be broken up into parts which are a reduced copy of the whole. Infinite amount of details(parts) within details (parts)

In terms of being a creative it relates to knowing a little about everything. becoming a renaissance man of sorts so that you can relate to a large percentage of individuals (clients) from diverse backgrounds and professional fields.

The Different sectors of Design include Communication, New Media, Graphic, Product, Strategy and Fashion Design, as well as Architecture.

Strategy design is a fairly new sector that helps start-ups define what they want to accomplish as a business as well as helps existing companies reconstruct and focus their goals as a business.

Architecture is the oldest form of design, with its roots dating back to 1st century CE. The earliest surviving written work on the subject was accredited to the Roman Vitruvius (accepted as the first architect)

Graphic design is relatively new in comparison, with its roots being formed amongst the Bauhaus.

The Bauhaus was a school in Weimar, Germany started by Walter Gropius. The school was known for combining craft and fine art, graphic design being born out of this inter-fusion.

The work of a Fractal Professional is never definitive, but must be iterative.

Iterative: always changing/evolving/editing

You must be a controller and a facilitator

Monday, July 26, 2010


1) the first step in creating your 2d version is to import your files. When bringing in your .ai (illustrator files are easier to import into AfterEffects in multiple layers) file of your logo, make sure to file>import>file and after you choose your file and before you click open make sure to change the "import as" option from footage to composition. This will ensure that your layers stay separated and are not merged into one. Thus allowing you to manipulate, change, move, rotate, etc. all aspects of your logo.

2) every layer has a transform option as shown in the picture above. clicking allows you to change the position, scale, rotation, and opacity of each layer. Allowing for a dynamic video clip. (the stopwatch icon must be clicked in order for the affect to be recorded)

3) after you have completed your logo animation and have imported your sound and video clip amongst the 2d version, you can export it as a quicktime video.

4) email me at with any questions.

*youtube tutorials can be most helpful when your in a tight spot.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is a low quality version of my video.

When shooting your video make sure to capture a sequence that will compliment but not overpower your logo and type face. You can use video editing software to change the speed of the movement captured as well as add different effects and hues to your video. I used final cut express which takes some getting used to, but there are tutorials online that can help you learn to edit and manipulate your background video.

Make sure to cut your final video down to 10 sec

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mixing Music

Your Powerpoint presentation is completed and your ready to continue into your 3D animation. before you can start composing your video you need to create a 10 sec music clip using royalty free music from the web. Your music should be composed of at least three different instrumental tracks (no words), each representing one of your countries and their musical background/history.

Make sure to choose simple tracks so that they converge into a more unified musical statement.

You can use Sound Studio to mix your music, but i prefer garageband simply for its user friendly interface when it comes to mixing multiple tracks.


but I found a great site =>
*screen shot of site at top of post

You have to join, but its free and takes 10 sec.

When you find the tracks you like, just right click on the download button at the top right of the page and click "download linked file"

Monday, June 21, 2010

Power Point Presentation

Once you have constructed your final logo and type representation its time to create the presentation for your newly created brand.

Its very easy to create a powerful and direct presentation by creating backdrops, buttons, menu bars, etc. using Photoshop. Photoshop will allow you to customize every part of your presentation and help your presentation to steer clear of a template appearance.

In Powerpoint you can click on the view tab and open up the custom animation toolbar to help you create entrance/exit/etc. effects for certain elements of your powerpoint.

Even though all of these added elements can help punch up a dull powerpoint, be sure not to go over board. Keep it simple and clean, and make sure it holds somewhat of a rhythm. A rhythm can be kept by holding consistent formatting, font choices, font sizes, animation effects and so on.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Critical Assessment

I took two different directions when creating my branding and logotype, both of which are featured above. I eliminated the left hand collection due to the fact that they had less of a connection to the countries I chose and for the fact that they had a less multifaceted feel. Seeing as my product is a radio that you roll to change the station I enjoyed the movement in the left hand collection, yet because the product has many faces, like a geodesic dome, I felt that the right hand better suited my product and my chosen countries influence.

I eventually eliminated all but the bottom logo on the right hand side. I found it to be complex yet not overwhelming or overly complicated. Unlike the top right hand side it allowed enough negative space for the elements to breath, and it had a tactile look to it.

* I ran a risk seeing as my logo is somewhat familiar to the Bp flower logo. Yet, the logo fit my product, and the green color related well to all three chosen countries.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Using Grids

After researching your three countries and sketching out possible design direction incorporating said research your gonna want to take your sketches to the computer. I recommend creating your logo in Illustrator then using Adobe Bridge to bring it into Photoshop (I have found that Photoshop allows you to resize your logo without distortion and/or changes in certain logo proportions, while still maintaining a vector quality image).

For geometric based logos, creating grids with the guides function can help you keep equal proportions. Above is a quick step by step example I made up of a geometric logo and how the use of a grid can make it a lot easier to create a well composed and proportioned logo.

*REMINDERS: make sure to keep the different elements of your logo in separate layers! This will be needed when you go to bring your logo into AfterEffects later in the semester. Also, be sure not to make your logo too complex! Test it in varying sizes to make sure that it retains its integrity even at business card sizes.