Go to Coroflot.com and set up portfolio page(s) with work from the class and your other art and design course (6-12 items) by 3 weeks before the end of the semester and link from your blog.
This will count as1/3 of your blog grade.
Go to Coroflot.com and set up portfolio page(s) with work from the class and your other art and design course (6-12 items) by 3 weeks before the end of the semester and link from your blog.
This will count as1/3 of your blog grade.
Branding Research
Create a 100 word (in total) series of bullet points, listing the results of research you do into the current state of branding. Use the web as your source and do not use any source more than 2 years old. Credit sources and use links and Images.
*This section of the assignment should be completed right after you choose your product, and right before you begin finding images to help develop your logo.